Doctor -  Resident Medical Officer - Auckland Hospital

RMO Recruitment Contacts

The Recruitment Team is the first point of contact if you are looking for work in the Auckland Region. Whether allocated by the college or not, we will look after your employment. Our Recruitment Team processes applications and sources new candidates.

Regional Recruitment and Allocation Manager
Vacant Position
Team Leader - Regional Recruitment & Allocation
Maria Bennett
Anaesthesia, ICM, Psychiatry, Surgery, Pathology, Emergency Medicine, Ophthalmology, Public Health, Medical Administration, Paediatrics, O&G, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Dental
Mobile 021830498
Team Leader - Regional Recruitment & Allocation
Shirley Chen
House Officers, Medicine Basic Trainees, Medicine Sub Specialties.

Surgery (incl. Surgical Fellows), Dental & Radiology
Esther Weeks
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
6310707 extn 39709
Anaesthesia, ICM, Emergency Medicine
Georgia Deendost
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
09 6310707 extn 39702
Paediatric Medicine, PICU, O&G & Psychiatry
Carolina Martin
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
09 6310707 extn 39723
Medicine Sub Specialties (incl. Sexual Health), RACMA & Public Health
Shavneel Narayan
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
09 6310707 ext. 39721
Medicine Basic Trainees
Aydah Palemia
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
09 6310707 extn 39712
House Officer
Daniel Sefuiva
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant
09 6310707 extn 39715
(Medical Council + Immigration) - Anaesthesia, ICM, Emergency Medicine, Surgery (incl. Surgical Fellows), Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Dental
Mae McLoughlin
Recruitment & Allocation Coordinator
09 6310707 extn 39717
(Medical Council + Immigration) - Psychiatry, Medicine Sub Specialties (incl. Sexual Health), Public Health, Paediatrics, O&G, Ophthalmology, Pathology
Georgia Kiwara
Recruitment & Allocation Coordinator
09 6310707 extn 39703
(Medical Council + Immigration) House Officer
Vacant Position
Recruitment & Allocation Coordinator
09 6310707 extn 39715
Radiation Oncology & Pathology
Linda Zhong
Recruitment & Allocation Consultant

This website is powered by Te Whatu Ora - Northern Region supporting Resident Medical Officers and Districts in the Auckland region
+64 9 631 0707

More contact details: Address    RMO Recruitment Contacts   

Postal Address
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Workforce Operations Northern
PO Box 112147,
Auckland 1642, New Zealand
Physical Address
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Workforce Operations Northern
James Fletcher House, Level 3
Connect Business Park
581-585 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland 1061